How all it works?

Choose the language
Study 1+1 with tutor
Start selfstudy
Make your choice!

Study 1+1
- Online individual lessons with native tutors
- Interactive learning in virtual classroom
- Student`s content management
- Built-in HD video calls
- No Zoom or Skype.
- Special interactive platform for language learning
- Lots of exercises,puzzles and tests to make your learning inspiring and exciting
- You don’t have to check answers,the platform can do this for you

- Interactive platform and learning management system
- Use and manage a course in one place
- Select an optimal selfstudy speed
- Built-in dictionary and translator; vocabulary drill mode
- Interactive, exciting exercises
- Automatic exercise checking
- Lessons are available on all devices
- The platform will automatically adapt to your smartphone or tablet to ensure a seamless experience

Any level for any goal!

Our success stories

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Anyage! Anytime! Anywhere!